Quality. A or Q.A

Procedure Of Quality Assurance Plan

Evaluation of Suppliers and approval:

Petrokoon General Contractors For petroleum Works Purchase the material and equipment from qualified suppliers.

Petrokoon General Contractors For petroleum Works checks and review the testing and guarantee certificates to insure the quality of the equipment.

Test and Control Program:

Petrokoon General Contractors For petroleum Works tests the assembled components after installation.

  • Welding is inspected by N.D.T. (nondestructive Test)
  • Pressure tests = 1.5 Normal Working pressure

Our indepent quality assurance department, which is responsible for all tests during fabrication, does all inspection.

Final Inspection & Certification issue:

Petrokoon General Contractors For petroleum Works perform inspection and guarantee certificates.

Customers Service :

Petrokoon General Contractors For petroleum Works maintains all their installed equipment in the projects